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Toothache When Pregnant, Why

In addition to dizziness and vomiting, pregnant women also sometimes experience toothache. What causes toothache during pregnancy? Need special treatment when suffering from toothache during pregnancy? Conceiving a child is certainly a happy moment for mothers. However, pregnant women can also feel a variety of complaints and discomfort. Starting from nausea, fatigue, vomiting, back pain to toothache. Dental and gum disease in pregnant women can affect the condition of the baby in the womb, for example premature birth and low birth weight of the baby.

Causes of Tooth Pain During Pregnancy

Toothache during pregnancy can vary, from gum disease to cavities. The following are things related to the onset of toothache during pregnancy and how to relieve symptoms:
  • Hormonal changes

  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy increase the likelihood of inflammation in the gums (gingivitis). In gingivitis, the gums swell and sometimes bleed when the mother brushes her teeth. Other diseases that can arise from pregnancy are periodontal diseases, which are diseases of the supporting tissues of the teeth. This condition can arise from gingivitis that is not treated properly. Another condition related to gums in pregnancy is the appearance of a lump in the gums called epulis gravidarum or a pregnancy tumor. This condition can cause discomfort, even difficulty when talking or eating. During hormonal changes, the immune system is also disturbed so that it is less able to protect the body from bacteria that cause tooth and gum disease. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to be diligent in brushing their teeth at least twice a day, using dental flossing (dental floss) at least once a day, and gargling with antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Gag

  • Pregnancy hormones make the muscle rings that keep food in the stomach weakened. Vomiting food or drink makes the teeth exposed to strong stomach acid. Repeated vomiting can eventually damage tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities. Rinse with water after vomiting. Continue to rinse with fluoridated mouth rinse or brush a toothpaste into all teeth. Then rinse thoroughly with water. One hour after vomiting, then brush your teeth.
  • Lack of calcium

  • In addition to the above two things, it was once believed that if a mother lacked calcium intake, her teeth would be more prone to cavities because the baby's calcium needs were taken from her teeth. But that belief is not entirely true because the baby's calcium needs will first be taken from the mother's bones if the mother's calcium intake is lacking. If it is very deficient, then the mother's teeth can also be affected. For this reason, pregnant women must have adequate calcium intake. An adequate amount of calcium will protect the mother's bone mass and meet the nutritional needs of the baby in the womb. Calcium can be obtained by consuming milk, cheese and yogurt.

How to Care for Teeth When Pregnant?

Generally, medication and dental care during pregnancy are safe to do. Dentists usually recommend dental care in the second trimester or early third trimester of pregnancy. Because, the first trimester of pregnancy is a time of growth and development of the baby that is very important so that any procedure that is feared to interfere should be avoided. Whereas in the last half of the third trimester, the uterus becomes sensitive and as a result the risk of preterm birth can increase. However, if there are conditions that require immediate treatment such as broken teeth or dental infections, dental care can be done throughout the life of the pregnancy. Your obstetrician and dentist can discuss the safest options to avoid complications that might occur during dental care. Careful consideration must also be taken to ensure that each drug used is safe for both mother and baby. If you have gum problems or toothache during pregnancy, see your dentist or obstetrician. Even better if you see a dentist when planning a pregnancy. No matter how small the pain you experience, there can be risks that can affect your pregnancy.


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